Brookdale College
Lincroft, NJ
Thank you again and again for your talent, expertise, patience, advice and direction. It is such a joy for us to work with you all because you get us and you are able to translate our thoughts, ideas and plans into an exhibit that speaks volumes and educates our community.
Ms. Dale Daniels, Executive Director, CHHANGE
Exhibit Design: Neal Mayer
Exhibit Graphics: Proun Design, LLC
Content Development: Sari Boren
Center for Holocaust, Human Rights and Genocide Education at Brookdale College
How does a minority culture live peacefully among its neighbors? How can human beings be so evil? How do victims reclaim their identity? These are just some of the questions posed by the exhibits on genicide at the Center for Holocaust, Human Rights and Genocide Education (CHHANGE).
Similar patterns of dehumanization are explored in this unflinching look at atrocities committed upon the Armenians in the early 1800’s, Jews during WWII, and more recently, in Rwanda. Artifacts and photos collected from the community provide personal context.