Lahey Clinic
Exhibit Design: Proun Design, LLC
Media Design: Northern Light Productions, Inc.
Fabrication: Bluebird Graphic Solutions, Inc.
History Curator: Susan Wilson
Area: 60 linear feet
Budget: $190k
“History is driven by visionaries and revolutionaries, and Frank Lahey was both. He was one of the surgical giants of the 20th century. He was a master surgeon, a great teacher, and an incredibly engaging individual.”
— Leonard N. Zinman, MD
Elegantly understated exhibit panels and display cases chronicle the achievements of Dr. Lahey and the clinic he established in the 1920’s. His WWI field experience inspired a team-based medical practice that revolutionized surgical care. His advice was sought by FDR and the clinic’s reputation attracted foreign ministers, performers, and professional athletes from around the world. Today, Lahey Clinic continues to innovate in areas ranging from digestive disorders, geriatrics, cancer and heart surgery, to hormonal disorders, urology, and ear, nose, and throat specialties.
Three handsomely designed interactive touch screens provide access to the hundreds of donors whose generosity allow Lahey Clinic to continue it’s mission of healing.